Wednesday, June 07, 2006


'Lone Star' Pathe News Story (1965??)

An e-mail dated June 3rd was received by me from Lone Star enthusiast, Barry Thompson of the U.K. which you may find of interest. I quote: "Copy and paste the link below for a look at the Pathe news story on the factory (presumably the Hatfield factory? No catch and no lewd pictures either! - G.S.A.)

or: Failing that, having used the link (in blue) above, select the "British Pathe" option. When you have raised the British Pathe "home" page, insert the words "toys boost export" in the 'search' bar and initiate your search. You should then see the same three-word title appear as a link on a panel. Click on that link and you should raise a set of 'thumbnail' black/white photographs of Lone Star's Hatfield factory showing some of the stages of the manufacturing processes.

Best regards,
Geoff Ambridge

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